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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Explain the doctrinal and philosophical dimension of religion.


  1. Notoya Willias 1PR2October 3, 2010 at 7:12 PM

    The Doctrinal / Philosophical Dimension. This is the official, formal teachings which underpin the narrative/mythic parts of a religion, though it's important to note that the Doctrine doesn't necessarily predate the narrative. In Christianity, for instance, it was the existence of a cult following the life of Jesus, and their stories and rituals, which led to the formation of the Christian doctrine. Note that very few doctrines are actually static over time, though their authors usually like them to appear so.

  2. The doctrinal and philosophical dimension: Referring to the official teachings of the world's religions. As religions develop, their narratives and myths both inform and are explained by more complex and intellectually rigorous doctrines or official teachings; within Christianity one could point to the doctrine of the Trinity, in Islam tawhid (the oneness of God).

  3. Stacy Ann Mcleod(1pr2)October 16, 2010 at 7:39 PM

    The doctrinaland philosophical dimension refers to the teaching of the worls religion. The doctrinal dimension underpins the narrative for example the christian tradition of the story of Jesus and the ritual of the communion service analyse the nature of the devine being

  4. Elease Thomas(1pr2)
    The doctrinal and philosophical demention is a systematic formulation of religious teachings in an intellectually coherent form example the story of Jesus life and ritual of the communion.

  5. Irone Thompson-Davis 1PR2October 19, 2010 at 7:15 AM

    The Doctrinal and philosophical dimension of religion are the official, formal teachings of a religion which underpin the narrative/myth part of a religion,though it is important to note that doctrine does not necessarily predate the narrative. for example it was the existence of a cult following the life of Jesus, and their stories and rituals, which led to the formation of christian doctrine

  6. Doctinal and philosophical dimension of religion are the teachings or doctines of a particular religous belief. for example the teachings of chritianity trinity.

  7. Your comments this semester must be illustrated by one of the three religions we study this semester: Hinduism, Islam or Judaism.

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